= Proposed System Wide Change: Change Proposal Name NewRpmDBFormat =

Change owner(s):
* Florian Festi < ffesti AT redhat DOT com >

Change format of the RPM Database from Berkeley DB to RPM's own format.

== Detailed Description ==
The current implementation of the RPM Database is based on Berkeley
DB. There are doubts about the its future and level of maintenance. In
addition rpm's use of the database has multiple issues on its own. As
a result RPM upstream is working to replace the database format with a
new implementation.

== Scope ==
Proposal owners:
* Test and release the already implemented database format.
* Make sure it is supported by all important tools
  - Tools using librpm should not be affected
  - Libsolv is the most prominent tool accessing the rpmdb directly
and needs adjustment
*Tooling for converting existing databases.

Other developers:
* Release and update libsolv

Release engineering: None (hopefully).

List of deliverables: None

Policies and guidelines: Not needed

Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
Jan Kuřík
Platform & Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list

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