On 01/20/2016 04:50 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
If you're on freshly installed Fedora 23 (x86-64), then

   dnf install gtk3-devel.x86_64

gets you everything you need to compile a simple Gtk3 application[1].

However on the same host if you do:

   dnf install gtk3-devel.i686

then there's a lot missing before you can compile a 32 bit Gtk3
application[2].  I had to install the following dependencies (found by
tedious trial-and-error) before I could compile it:

   dnf -y install 

Is this a bug or is it not expected this would work or I am doing it wrong?

IMO, this is supposed to work => Bug

The big question would be: Where?


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