Once upon a time, Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com> said:
> My understanding of the problem is that it's less about the "doubts
> about its future" and more about the fact Oracle inexplicably changed
> the license with BDB 6.x to AGPLv3. Berkley DB 5.3 is old, and no one
> has forked it and maintained it.

To me, it seems like it would be less work to maintain an already
implemented database (BDB) than to start from scratch.  I understand
that nobody is happy with Oracle and their license change, but that
doesn't affect the version already in use in many places.  If even a
couple of the current BDB users (say, OpenLDAP and RPM) had stepped up,
it probably wouldn't be that much work, but instead, everybody seems
intent on re-inventing their own wheels (and spending more effort in the

Chris Adams <li...@cmadams.net>
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