On Fri, 11 Apr 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello Dafydd and all...
> _*Question:*_
> I think that you mean that the "school server" has "internet access".
> Is it possible to have a "school server" without "internet access" ? (just to 
> do... what? bigger "collaboration" between the XOs? software repository? 
> documents & books repository?.  Many scenarios are possible.
> So I think you can add to the fourth scenarios: "Internet access" or "No 
> internet access" and what kind: ADSL, phone line, Satelital, or other ways. 
> _*Idea:
> *_Add to your scenarios: 
> "Kind of energy available for the XOs:"
> Then we will face the "forgotten" problem: the humble towns, the ones that 
> are over the
> 3,500 meters altitude, the ones that are in the "worst" scenarios... they 
> don't have any
> kind of electricity.  So the "cranck", the "solar panels", air or human 
> generated energy
> is part of the equation IF we are going to reach those "worst scenarios".

I think the basic network scenarios cover these situations. they don't 
care how the machines are powered.

even the question of if the school server (or access point) is connected 
to the Internet doesn't really make a difference when you are looking at 
how the laptops talk to each other, and to whatever services are available 
on the wired network (if any).

David Lang
Devel mailing list

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