Hello Yama and all,

I am afraid that maybe americans that are in charge of developing were 
the XOs will be located can think that they are installing the XOs in 
andean humble towns.  And according to what I am reading maybe the 
goverments (my goverment!) is giving instructions to install this on 
this town or this in other other town.  But, I am suspecting that these 
are not the humble towns.  They look humble for the american eyes, and 
sure that they are poor for the developed world standards.

Humble tows and villages in Peru: IF there is a "youth gang" in the town 
then you can be TOTALLY SURE that it is not a small town or a humble 
village or an isolated area.  No way.  I don't know Bolivia very deep 
but in Peru the humble, poor, isolated towns and villages are located 
over the 3,500 meters, they have a total population of around 100 
families,  they have a school with just one teacher (that is not able to 
travel to a big city to get XO training), 50% of the adult women don't 
have national identification document or are included in any registry, 
50% of all born babies will not reach the 12 years old mark, there is no 
electricity and they are 5 hours away (by car) from the nearest 
"civilized" (occidental?) town (that can have around 1,000 families).  
In Peru there are around 5,000 (five thousand) villages and towns that I 
would call "humble", "forgotten", "isolated".  So, you add another 
"parameter" to the recognition signs to know were we are: IF there is 
SOME risk of a young gang stealing the XOs then we are not in a humble 
town.  If we add all the previously signaled factors then it doesnt 
matter who tell us what or in wich scenario we are  located: we will be 
able to recognize if we have reach the poorest between the poor.

Other different thing are the "forgotten" poor areas near the big 
cities: then we find young gangs, no doubt.  Too much.  They use 
"swords" (sorry... the spanish word is "machete"... ) and guns.  As any 
young gang in the worst neighboorhood in developed cities.

I hope this helps to all involved people to recognize the real danger 
that we will face in humble towns: not reaching them.

Best regards,

Javier Rodriguez
Lima, Peru

Yama Ploskonka wrote:
> Samuel Klein wrote:
>> Javier,
>> The humble towns are most important.
> One advantage of OLPC in humble towns is the real support of the 
> community for the kids' safety when going home with the XO.  It has 
> been mentioned in another list the real risk of (city) youth gangs 
> taking away XOs just for the fun of it, to simply ruin the day for a 
> kid.  Such a thing would be promptly dealt with effectively, with 
> legacy discipline methods for the youth involved, in any small town I 
> can think of.
>> An aside : when I was last in New York (for the story jam a couple 
>> weekends
>> ago) I saw a UNICEF poster display of a disaster-area "school in a 
>> box" --
>> two suitcase-sized containers with all of the materials and 
>> power-generators
>> needed to run a single server creating its own sat or radio internet
>> connection, and a few attached terminals.  The design was for regions 
>> with
>> no infrastructure at all.  A poster mockup listed XOs as ideal 
>> terminals...
> One of my crazier scenarios of going to Bolivia is of going by land, 
> with just such a setup, running XOs all along the way.  Might still 
> happen, though I have other fish to fry right now.
> Yama
>> SJ
>>>  Hello Dafydd and all...
>>> *Question:*
>>> I think that you mean that the "school server" has "internet access".
>>> Is it possible to have a "school server" without "internet access" ? 
>>> (just to do... what? bigger "collaboration" between the XOs? 
>>> software repository? documents & books repository?.  Many scenarios 
>>> are possible.
>>> So I think you can add to the fourth scenarios: "Internet access" or 
>>> "No internet access" and what kind: ADSL, phone line, Satelital, or 
>>> other ways.
>>> *Idea:*Add to your scenarios:
>>> "Kind of energy available for the XOs:"
>>> Then we will face the "forgotten" problem: the humble towns, the 
>>> ones that are over the
>>> 3,500 meters altitude, the ones that are in the "worst" scenarios... 
>>> they don't have any
>>> kind of electricity.  So the "cranck", the "solar panels", air or 
>>> human generated energy
>>> is part of the equation IF we are going to reach those "worst 
>>> scenarios".
>>> Helping first the ones that will survive? That is for first aid in 
>>> disasters. In this
>>> case we must try to help the "forgotten" worst scenarios and I hope 
>>> that MOST of the
>>> XOs that come to Peru will go to the poorest towns.
>>> *Comment:*
>>> You say: "...
>>>  - school WiFi
>>>    - access points
>>>    - school server with Jabber server
>>>      - only one server at a time
>>>    - this is what is deployed in Peru ...
>>> ... this is the situation most of our existing laptops are
>>> deployed in, and it's likely that upcoming deployments will be 
>>> similar."
>>> I think that this scenario is good for a test, not as the intended 
>>> "niche" were
>>> the XOs must be deployed.  I think the XO computers in Peru
>>> will get better use in the WORST scenarios.  A kid that lives in a 
>>> town with a school that have
>>> 5 standard PCs with dialup Internet is in better condition that a 
>>> kid that lives in a
>>> town with a school with no PCs and no Internet.  Who need us more? 
>>> The second one.  Who will
>>> benefit more? The second one.
>>> Yes, yes, yes.  It is harder to put the XOs in the WORST scenario. 
>>> And maybe 20% of the kids
>>> that are now 6 years old will not reach the 12 years old in those 
>>> "forgotten villages" in my
>>> country (Peru).  But... we must try.
>>> *Better scenario (for developing best help with poorest 
>>> children):*There is no need to travel to the high andes to find the 
>>> kids that need us more.
>>> There are schools in the surroundings of Lima with "no light", "no 
>>> tables", "no desks", "no chairs".
>>> Every kid is sit down in a brick.  The teacher
>>> uses the wall as board.  I don't know how many of this schools 
>>> exists in Lima.
>>> But for sure that they exist, dozens? Yes, no doubt.
>>> Ah... the last earthquake gave us another opportunity: just 3 hours 
>>> away
>>> from Lima, in the coast, no mountains,
>>> 90% of the schools have been destroyed.  In this "Ica" region 
>>> Children are
>>> studying (if they are studying) in any kind of
>>> temporal "school" ... in the worst conditions.  There must be more than
>>> 200 schools (all sizes) destroyed there.
>>> Those kids deserve the opportunity to get a XO that can improve their
>>> educational conditions? Yes. No doubt.
>>> I hope that upcoming XO deployments will get not the poor children 
>>> but the
>>> POOREST children in Peru.
>>> Let's keep moving.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Javier Rodriguez
>>> Lima, Peru
>>> Dafydd Harries wrote:
>>> This is something which was not completely clear to me until I 
>>> talked to Wad
>>> about it the other day, and I think other people might find it 
>>> useful. It
>>> should probably go on the wiki (assuming it isn't already there 
>>> somewhere). I'd
>>> like some feedback about where it belongs. The closest thing I've 
>>> found is this
>>> page:
>>>   http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Scenario_taxonomy
>>> Any errors are my own.
>>> There are four networking scenarios:
>>>  - simple mesh
>>>    - no access point
>>>    - no school server
>>>    - we are currently aiming to support up to 15 laptops in this case
>>>  - simple WiFi
>>>    - access points
>>>      - which tend not to handle multicast very well (1Mbit/s peak)
>>>    - no school server
>>>    - this is what G1G1 laptops will tend to encounter
>>>    - typically in the developed world
>>>  - school mesh
>>>    - no access point
>>>    - school server with Jabber server
>>>  - school WiFi
>>>    - access points
>>>    - school server with Jabber server
>>>      - only one server at a time
>>>    - this is what is deployed in Peru
>>> Our current priority in terms of collaboration is to improve supprt 
>>> for the
>>> fourth case, as this is the situation most of our existing laptops are
>>> deployed in, and it's likely that upcoming deployments will be 
>>> similar. Our
>>> secondary priority is improving support for the second case, as this 
>>> is what
>>> will tend happen when laptops are taken home from school.
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