Between Walter Bender, who practically lives at 1cc and has been part of the
entire development, and NN, who by all accounts is rarely in his office at
1cc, I say that the SD was just an offshoot of the ASIC chip.

Besides that's what what I've heard everyone else at OLPC say.  NN also said
that Windows was running on the XO months ago, which MS denied.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Jonathan Corbet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Walter Bender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Second, regarding Microsoft, I agree that if it is to be an open
> > platform, it should be open to everyone, including Microsoft. That
> > said, it is somewhat revisionist to suggest that the SD card was added
> > on behalf of Microsoft
> Such statements certainly are based on reporting like this:
>        Speaking with Wired News editor Kevin Poulsen over e-mail,
>        Negroponte said that an SD card slot was added to the OLPC
>        machine so it could meet Windows' minimum performance
>        requirements.
>        "The XO always ran Windows... that is why we added the SD slot,"
>        he said.
> Or this:
>        "Microsoft has always been working on Windows for the XO. We put
>        the SD (secure digital) slot into our laptop over one year ago,
>         for them," Negroponte said, explaining that the SD slot allows
>        the XO's memory to be expanded, making it easier for users to
>        run Windows.
> Or this:
>        Although the machine is preinstaled with Linux ut this doesn't
>        mean that you can't run Windows on the machine, Negroponte
>        said. " We put in an SD slot just for Bill," he quipped.
>        (typos in original)
> Now the statement that the SD slot was added for Microsoft may be
> incorrect, but, given all the words that went around last year, it's
> probably not "revisionist" either.
> jon
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