On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:54 AM, Mikus Grinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I believe TWO sets of Activities need to be made available to users
>  who are not schoolkids linked to a school server.  One set I'll call
>  'stable Activities' - they are packaged in "Activity Packs" such as
>  the ones for Peru or for G1G1.  Users need a documented way to
>  install these.  If the build they have put on their OLPC does not
>  provide Browse, they need a way to access an "Activity Pack".
>  I will use 'development Activities' to describe the second set --
>  they represent the most recent versions built by their authors.
>  Currently these are scattered on mock.laptop.org and dev.laptop.org
>  and wiki.laptop.org (and others).  I would prefer there to be a
>  SINGLE repository containing the very latest level of each Activity
>  -- barring that, there should exist an "official" list which gives
>  the location from where the latest version of each individual
>  Activity can be fetched.

I agree. There needs to be a place that clearly lists activities
suitable for stable builds, and a place that clearly lists the
development versions.

It needs to be relatively simple to keep these - especially the
development one - up to date.

>  [The existing http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activities webpage lists a
>  number of not-the-latest-version bundles.  It is not suitable for a
>  catalog of what I'm calling 'development Activities', unless more
>  care is given to updating it as authors come up with new versions.]

I have deliberately not put my new activity releases into
[[Activities]] because this seems the most likely place G1G1 users
will look for things they can install, and Chat for instance will now
require a newer version of Sugar than is in 656 or 703.

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