There has been some mention of a new community initiative to carry on
the development of Sugar. A number of community members have set up in order to further extend Sugar. Sugar Labs will focus
on providing a software ecosystem that enhances learning on the XO
laptop as well as other laptops distributed by other companies, such
as the ASUS Eee PC. Consistent with the OLPC mission to provide
opportunities for learning (as just outlined by Nicholas in is posting
to this list), an independent Sugar Labs Foundation can deliver
learning software to other hardware vendors and, consequently, reach
more children.

We have every expectation of a positive, cooperative relationship with
OLPC and we expect to form additional relationships with other laptop

See for more details.


2008/5/15 Seth Woodworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> devil's advocate:  how would someone on the outside (of either
>> OLPC, or sugarlabs) know that that is the case?  all that has
>> happened (from the public view of things) is that this new wiki
>> has sprung up, claiming essentially that "this is where sugar
>> lives".  there's been no "announcement" (that i've seen), and no
>> corresponding announcement from OLPC, so an observer is sort of
>> left to wonder what's going on.
> The wiki's barely up.  AFAIK Walter and the rest of the mailing list are
> still deciding what the group is and isn't.
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