Well, the title is only partially accurate.

The real issue is that there is no way to back up a user's data if the OS is
borked sans developer key. If the autoreinstallation image's backup features
were incorporated in offline upgrade, that would solve a lot of headaches.

Use case: "Alice has worked on her final paper for months, and one day her
XO won't start. She has no backups, and no alternate OS image." 

"Alice reinstalls her OS using the autoreinstallation image, which backs up
/home/olpc and restores it when done. "

Of course, once the boot-image is signed, we'll make a nice package for G1G1
users, not all of the "sugar-update.py" stuff, but getting the image signed
is the important part for the average DRM'd user. 

If you're not familiar: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Autoreinstallation_image
and http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Secure_Upgrade

Bug report: http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7163
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