
>    > That said, there's a separate bug in trac about X not starting when
>    > the NAND flash is full.  I'm not sure if that's what you're
>    > referring to as "not booting" or not, but we should fix that, too.
> Specifically,
> What do people think of the straw man in that ticket?  Should we
> implement it?

 >Straw man from ticket>

We're probably going to see this a lot in the field. It might be worth 
having some recovery logic. Here's a straw-man: if disk is full at boot, 
delete the single largest journal entry, iterate until disk is not full 


Is there anything that can be thrown away before we start scragging the 
user's work? Browser caches, or similar things?

How much space is needed for a successful boot anyways? Maybe there 
ought to be a dummy file stored just for the purpose of being thrown 
away in an emergency.

Or throw away least recently used non-core activities, which hopefully 
could easily be reloaded from the web or a teacher's USB stick.

I'd think that throwing away the child's work would be one of the last 
things we'd want to do.

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