> I recently did a reinstall of 8.2-760 on my
> MP G1G1 XO.

Me too.  My AP is an old Linksys BEFW11 S4 version 2.

>   The new install seems to be
> very finicky about connecting to my AP:
I find 760 works about the same as 75x builds.

> 1. mesh connect keeps trying and seems
>     to stay there with out finishing
> 2. clicking on my AP circle in the Neighborhood
>     used to stop the mesh and start the AP
>     connect process, now the mesh connect
>     keeps  blinking and the AP always asks for
>     the password but then fails to connect.

I see 1, and similar stuff to 2.  If after standby I click my AP in 
Neighborhood view to manually reconnect, it goes pretty smoothly and I'm 
not prompted for my WEP key.  However, if I don't manually reconnect, 
sometimes the dialog to enter my WEP key will pop up over my current 
activity a few minutes after resuming; I cancel it and reconnect 
manually from Neighborhood view.

If I visit a site in Browse immediately after standby, I get Mozilla's 
"Address not found" (because all I have is the non-working mesh 
connection).  Like your 3, sometimes if I wait the mesh icon in the 
Frame is replaced by the AP icon and all is OK when I retry in Browse.

> 3. repeated clicks or waiting for some mins
>     eventually gets an AP connection although
>     often if the startup is not monitored the
>     XO will select mesh and never get to the
>     AP
> 4. turning on 2 XOs at the same time seems
>     to make them both more insistent to get
>     a mesh going rather than the AP
> 5. suspend and resume can cause this dance
>     (nightmare?) to start again...

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