Greg, Ed, Simon, Chris, Deepak, Sayamindu, Dan, cjl, Ben, Morgan, Marco, 
SJ and possibly others met on IRC on Wed. 12/17.


- XO Camp -
Page ( needs updating. See Greg's 
action item below. Focus on design and requirements review of 9.1.0 
target features.

Comment that we should have an open time for other topics.

Noted: OLPC might be able to fund its own employees, and isn't able to 
fund anyone else.

Action item for SJ to move fundraising link to Sugar site (see below).

Comments that sugar or Bernie or community may be able to raise money 
for others to attend.

- 9.1.0 plan review: -

Feature set is mostly chosen. Need to parse the language work a little 
more. Action item for Ed to review feature set and ack that is the right 
  must have list. Comments from other welcome.

Greg suggested that Arabic should be added to the must have list. Will 
do that unless there are objections heard soon.

Discussion of how to choose the activity set in the manufactured image. 
Noted that Mel now has the contact info for all activities authors.

Discussion of how many activities which run in 8.2 are likely to run 
unmodified in 9.1.0. Some key ones needing update were noted: Read, 
Browse, others. Activity compatibility policy link shared by Morgan:

Agreement to discuss activities again next week.

Discussion of which activities might break when power save is on. No 
follow up noted. Requirement #9 at is 
supposed to say all activities must work with power save on. I will talk 
to Chris and see if that should be clarified.

Discussed need to get better engineering traction on: 
Activation/lease/signing/image customization.

Schedule mentioned. More details in action items below.

- Trac conventions and triage plan. -

Deferred to next week. See also action items.

- Other -
Note from Deepak:
Status for power stuff is that I believe we are at 700-800ms for resume 
to userspace, but need to fix a timekeeping bug to get exact data. I 
will start looking at the more interesting problems of parallelizing 
some kernel bits next. I will also take a look at and comment on all 9.1 
kernel bugs in next week.

Action items:
- Action item: Greg to edit the camp proposals to focus on top 9.1
priorities and remove most other items. Also set exact times and 
meetings in to the schedule. Also add Sugar 0.84 <-> 9.1.0 meeting.
GS - finish by next week, 12/24

- Action item: Ed to set a date for start of Trac scrub. He will tell
us that date by Friday 12/19

- Action item: Ed and Joe to review 9.1 schedule and update as needed.

- Action item: Ed to review 9.1.0 feature set. Ensure that all fit the 
goal. Stretch goal to pick engineers to work on them and to review 
requirements to make sure they are clear.

Action item: SJ to move this URL to sugar labs site.


Next meeting Wed. 12/24 2PM US ET IRC #olpc-meeting. Yes we 
are on the day before Xmas!

5 minutes - review last weeks action items.
10 minutes XO Camp status
25 minutes - 9.1.0 page and feature development status. Also activity 
compatibility and activity set selection. Lastly, Trac conventions and 
scrub status.
10 minutes - Synchronizing with Sugar release cycle
10 minutes - set action items and agenda for next week.

Corrections, comments, and additions welcome. Its an open meeting so 
anyone working on the project can join.

Simon/erikos is especially invited :-)


Greg S

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