Sayamindu, Michael, Paul, Brian, CJL and maybe others met on Xmas eve!

We scrapped the agenda and did Q&A with Michael doing the Q.

Concerns that people aren't working on the release. Review power and 
languages and they are both doing well. Sayamindu said he will update 
localization feature pages this week:

Paul said he will share his power button menu design more widely. 
Comments on design welcome:

Code and demo version coming.

Michael asked about testing joyride. Discussed the plan to fire up the 
Friends in testing/weekly build strategy. Brian is ready. We will start 
with a dry run of the test process on an 8.2.1 release.

Michael kicked that off via this e-mail:

We're on for next week Wed. December 31, 2PM US ET IRC 
#olpc-meeting channel.

Back to the regular agenda:
5 minutes - review last weeks action items.
10 minutes XO Camp status
25 minutes - 9.1.0 page and feature development status. Also activity
compatibility and activity set selection. Lastly, Trac conventions and
scrub status.
10 minutes - Synchronizing with Sugar release cycle
10 minutes - set action items and agenda for next week.

Have a great Christmas!


Greg S

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