On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:08 PM, David Leeming
> <leem...@pipolfastaem.gov.sb> wrote:
>> 9-0.5.1
>> ejabberd-xs-2.0.1-12.fc9.olpc.i386
> Hmmm, the versions are correct -- I can't test this right now in a
> clean environment, as I have bits and pieces of different versions
> everywhere because I am working on something else ATM.

Grrr. Double grrrrr...

I made some tests, and they seemed to fail. Not watertight tests as I
don't have a clean env, so please please please corroborate.

I do have some notes, and something to play with...

 - When you "restart everything", and generally everytime you check
whether the laptops see eachother, check olpc-netstatus on the laptops
involved, and 'ejabberdctl connected-users' on the server. The laptops
are now (8.2.x) very good at switching quickly to salut if they don't
see the ejabberd server. And then they switch quickly back to gabble.
Magic and quick -- good for users, but very misleading for testing.

(Just between us, I suspect that the above issue may have made me
misreport success with the patch I applied a few weeks ago. Right
after restarting everything, the XOs are sometimes ostensibly on the
'School Server Mesh' and yet using salut. Happens if the server booted
up late, or if they didn't see it immediately after dhcp.)

 - Please make independent tests setting the 'Online' group membership
to '@all@' instead of '@online@'. If this works, it is a valid and
usable fallback unless your schools are truly huge.

 - I built a new RPM that has ejabberd 2.0.3 (instructions below) -
please test it, trying @online@ and @all@ with it.

As of now, if you say

   yum --enable-repo=olpcxs-testing install ejabberd-xs

it should bring version 2.0.3-1-olpc . In my limited testing it works
with @all@ and fails with @online@ -- and I think @online@ is
thoroughly broken on it.

You can also grab it from
and install it with rpm -Uvh <filename>

May a thousand test reports come...


 mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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