On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 1:32 PM, Martin Langhoff

> On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Bert Freudenberg <b...@freudenbergs.de>
> wrote:
> > So a deployment could customize the image-builder script to include a
> newer RPM, e.g. if they wanted a more recent version of Etoys.
> Bingo. It actually supports an "rpms" dir. Drop something there and go.
> And I am looking at using the same curl trick that we use in the F11
> builds to grab activities from ASLO (latest vs specific version).


all those proposed changes and bux-fixes look great, based on my experiences
with the small Austrian pilot project I'm particularly excited about
anything related to activity updates, touchpad behaviour and maybe I can
even get around to play with image-builder and do some more customizations
at some point.

Thanks a lot for all your hard work on this! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christ...@olpcnews.com
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