On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 12:25:32PM -0400, Jeff Squyres wrote:
> Processor affinity is now implemented.  You must ask for it via the MCA 
> param "mpi_paffinity_alone".  If this parameter is set to a nonzero 
> value, OMPI will assume that its job is alone on the nodes that it is 
> running on, and, if you have not oversubscribed the node, will bind MPI 
> processes to processors, starting with processor ID 0 (i.e., 
> effectively bindings MPI processes to the processor number equivalent 
> to their relative VPID on that node).
> Please let me know how this works out for everyone; thanks.

Any thoughts on how to support NUMA with something like this? On the
dual opteron w/DDR IB systems I've got, I'm seeing a big perfomance
difference that primarily depends on which node the memory is on.

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