Thanks Ralph. I confirm, the problem seems to be fixed by your last commit.


On May 23, 2007, at 12:32 PM, Ralph H Castain wrote:

Okay, this is now fixed as of r14732.

Thanks (and apologies) to George for spotting it.


On 5/23/07 9:57 AM, "Ralph H Castain" <> wrote:

Actually, I think that is true (got back earlier than expected). The problem really is that we had multiple compensating errors combined with an error
return that wasn't being checked.

I'll try to fix the basic problem(s).

On 5/23/07 9:31 AM, "Josh Hursey" <> wrote:

I haven't looked at this at all, but that line changed in r6813 which was Aug. 2005 so I would guess the problem is elsewhere. However with
the recent ORTE changes maybe this is a side effect.

-- Josh

On May 23, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Ralph H Castain wrote:

Just a quick glance (running out door) - it looks like Josh
commented out a
critical piece of code in the rds hostfile component at line 442.
It loads
the cell info into the name service so it can correctly respond to
the query
you cite below.

You might try restoring that code - if you do, check to be sure you
get a local_cellid=0 to be safe. If not, I'll have to fix it later
today for

I'm unaware of any recent changes, though, that would have caused that
behavior to suddenly surface - unless this got changed recently?
nothing I installed in the last few days would have caused it to

I've been running the trunk on both my Mac and odin for the last
days without incident.


On 5/23/07 8:41 AM, "George Bosilca" <> wrote:


Starting from yesterday I'm unable to run any Open MPI application. I
get an error in the schema URM component, which complain about a
missing something ...

[dancer:01083] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file ../../../../
ompi-trunk/orte/mca/schema/base/schema_base_fns.c at line 163
[dancer:01083] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file ../../../../
ompi-trunk/orte/mca/rds/base/rds_base_registry_fns.c at line 81
[dancer:01083] [0,0,0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in
file ../../../../../ompi-trunk/orte/mca/rmgr/urm/rmgr_urm.c at
line 398

The only thing I'm doing which is not completely default is that I
specify the rds_hostfile_path in my Open MPI configuration file. I
trim down the host file as well as the config file to their bare
minimum but the errors is still popping up. I tried to reinstall
everything cleanly from the beginning but it didn't solve any issue.

I'm the only one having issues right now ? Any idea on how to
solve it ?


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