I am off all next week, but I will try to call in anyway..

- Galen

On 11/19/07 10:09 AM, "Don Kerr" <don.k...@sun.com> wrote:

> Sun would like to be represented at this meeting.  Mon 10AM might be a
> problem for Sun, any of the other times are good.
> -DON
> Jeff Squyres wrote:
>> Based on discussions at SC, I think it is time to have another IB/
>> OpenFabrics OMPI pow wow teleconference.  It would be good to get
>> status updates on what everyone is doing in terms of OpenFabrics kinds
>> of things in OMPI so that we can coordinate the work properly.  I'd
>> like to strike a balance of getting everyone relevant involved but
>> also keeping the group small so that we can have a meaningful
>> discussion and come up with good work plans for moving forward.  A
>> first/tentative list of attendees include:
>> - Cisco
>> - Voltaire
>> - LLNL
>> - OGC (Chelsio)
>> - ?ORNL?
>> - ?Sun?
>> Agenda will be short -- I'm thinking a 1 hour teleconference in the
>> last week of December (after the US Thanksgiving holiday):
>> 1. each organization's status update / development plans for the next
>> 2 months
>> 2. possible directions forward beyond 2 months (there are some pre-
>> ideas floating around that are not yet solid enough/suitable to push
>> out to public consumption -- I think we need to "firm them up" a bit
>> first)
>> I propose the following dates/times in priority order -- please reply
>> if you cannot make these times (teleconference bridge info will be
>> sent after a date/time is decided upon):
>> 1. Mon, 26 Nov, 10am US East, 7am US Pacific, 5pm Israel
>> 2. Mon, 26 Nov, 11am US East, 8am US Pacific, 6pm Israel
>> 3. Thu, 29 Nov, 10am US East, 7am US Pacific, 5pm Israel
>> 4. Thu, 29 Nov, 11am US East, 8am US Pacific, 6pm Israel
>> 5. Fri, 30 Nov, 10am US East, 7am US Pacific, 5pm Israel
>> 6. Fri, 30 Nov, 11am US East, 8am US Pacific, 6pm Israel
>> (I cannot do Tue/Wed that week)
>> Thanks.
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