Ralph Castain wrote:

Just stale code that doesn't hurt anything

Okay, so it'd be all right to remove those lines.  Right?

- frankly, I wouldn't look at platform files to try to get a handle on such 
things as they tend to fall out of date unless someone needs to change it.

We always hard-code progress threads to off because the code isn't thread safe 
in key areas involving the event library, for one.

On Mar 10, 2011, at 3:43 PM, Eugene Loh wrote:
In the trunk, we hardwire progress threads to be off.  E.g.,

% grep progress configure.ac
# Hardwire all progress threads to be off
                [Hardcode the ORTE progress thread to be off])
                [Hardcode the OMPI progress thread to be off])

So, how do I understand the following?

% grep enable_progress contrib/platform/*/*.conf
contrib/platform/cisco/linux-static.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1
contrib/platform/cisco/macosx-dynamic.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1
contrib/platform/openrcm/debug.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1
% grep enable_progress contrib/platform/*/*/*.conf
contrib/platform/cisco/ebuild/hlfr.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1
contrib/platform/cisco/ebuild/ludd.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1
contrib/platform/cisco/ebuild/native.conf:orte_enable_progress_threads = 1

These seem to try to turn progress threads on.  Ugly, but not a problem?

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