One thing stands out right away: why are you specifying a hostfile? Did you 
remember to configure OMPI with --with-tm so we launch via Torque? If not, then 
you could hit issues as you are actually attempting to launch via ssh, which 
has implications on a Torque-based system.

On Mar 29, 2012, at 8:51 AM, Raju wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I am using Qlogic Infiniband and Openmpi-1.5.3. I can able to run the jobs by 
> CLI without any issues, but when iam submitting over torque scheduler facing 
> the below issue.
> I am facing issue while submitting the jobs through Torque scheduler. Error 
> file is attached
> Overview of the problem:
> initialization failure on /dev/ipath (err=23)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> PSM was unable to open an endpoint. Please make sure that the network link is
> active on the node and the hardware is functioning.
>   Error: Failure in initializing endpoint
> I gone through the link 
> for solution, 
> same followed but no luck.
> I exported the value in my input submit script file as export 
> PSM_SHAREDCONTEXTS_MAX=16, and submitted the job.
> Sample inputfile is
> #!/bin/bash
> #PBS -N matmul
> #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
> node=1
> ppn=1
> nprocs=`expr ${node} \* ${ppn}`
> echo "--- PBS_NODEFILE CONTENT ---"
> mpirun -np ${nprocs} --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE  /home/khan/a.out < 
> /home/khan/iter
> Please let me know I doing correct or not ? and suggest me for best out ?
> Regards,
> Bhagya Raju K
> <errfile.txt>_______________________________________________
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