WHAT: Remove all Windows code from the trunk.

WHY: This issue keeps coming up over and over and over...

WHERE: Throughout the tree.

WHEN: Timeout: next Tuesday teleconf: 26 Feb, 2013

More detail:

It seems like every week, a new issue related to "what do we do about the 
Windows code?" comes up.  It came up again in the BTL discussions in Knoxville 
last week.  It keeps coming up in various ORTE discussions.  And so on.

So let's just do it -- let's cut the cord.  We have no Windows maintainer any 
more, and we don't test on Windows.  So let's not pretend that we do.  There's 
two levels of Windows support that we can remove:

1. Remove all the CMAKE stuff.  This is a no-brainer, IMNSHO -- it's broken and 
unmaintained on the trunk; it doesn't support all the new Fortran stuff, for 
example.  Who knows what else has bit rotted?

  ==> Removing this code can probably be done in a single SVN commit.

2. Remove all Windows code.  This involves some wholesale removing of 
components as well as a bunch of #if code throughout the code base.

  ==> Removing this code can probably be done in multiple SVN commits:

2a. Removing Windows-only components (which, given the rate of change that we 
are planning for the trunk, may well need to be re-written if they are ever 
re-introduced into the tree).
2b. Removing "#if WINDOWS" code (e.g., in opal/util/*, etc.).  This code may 
not be changing as much as the rest of the trunk, and may be suitable for svn 
reverting someday.

This does kill Cygwin support, too.  I realize we have a downstream packager 
for Cygwin, but the fact that we can't get any developer support for Windows -- 
despite multiple appeals -- seems to imply that the Windows Open MPI audience 
is very, very small.  So while it feels a bit sad to kill it, it may still be 
the Right Thing to do.

This is a proposal, and is open for discussion.

Jeff Squyres
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