On Apr 30, 2013, at 6:20 PM, Larry Baker <ba...@usgs.gov> wrote:

> I would like to try to get down there (from Menlo Park) to meet and thank the 
> OpenMPI developers, but I doubt I would be a very useful participant.  

All are free to attend, but you'll need to endure some deep-mojo discussions of 
the innards of Open MPI.  :-)

> Will there be a social event that I could attend?  

We typically do something informally scheduled on the day of, or somesuch 
(e.g., around 4pm people start wondering aloud what we should do for dinner :-) 
).  But if there is interest for others to attend, we can probably set up 
something ahead of time.

> Maybe there is one at the MPI Forum?  

Same situation at the Forum -- we argu^H^H^H^Hdiscuss all day, and then discuss 
what to do for dinner, and then head out, usually in smaller groups.

> Because of the US budget sequestration, I cannot spend any money, unless I do 
> it on my own (in which case I have to bend over backwards to obscure my 
> government affiliation -- like no mention of USGS on my registration or name 
> badge).

The OMPI meeting will have no registration fee.  The MPI Forum meeting has a 
registration fee, but if you just wanted to come to chat, observe, and not be 
on track to vote (voting means you have to register and attend at least 2 out 
of 3 consecutive meetings), you're more than welcome to come.

Jeff Squyres
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