Il 10/4/2013 1:47 PM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) ha scritto:
Good call; yes.

Marco: is there any chance you can run Open MPI through the MPI Testing Tool 
(MTT) on a regular basis, and submit your results to

You can run as few or as many tests a night as you want.  For example, the 
Absoft compiler company runs only hello world and ring MPI tests each night 
(i.e., their goal is to ensure that everything is *compiling* correctly with 
their compiler, and then they only have to run a small number of tests to 
ensure that stuff is actually running properly).

I'd be happy to chat with you about this to get you started with MTT.

At first glance it does not seems particular user friendly nor with a clear HOWTO guide for good start.

Additional LWP::Protocol::https is not available so
some expectation are not fullfilled.

Anything as simple as
is available for performing MTT tests ?


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