On Jul 16, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Mike Dubman <mi...@dev.mellanox.co.il> wrote:

> we have a strong use-case for list of env variables passed as mca params.(it 
> was presented and discussed in the past).

I'm not disputing your use case for "mca_base_env_list".  I'm only lamenting 
the crapification of our mpirun user interface.  We had an earlier change along 
these lines based on similar reasoning: the easy-to-use-and-remember "--pernode 
N" was replaced with "--map-by ppr:N:node", which I cannot ever seem to 

> we can rename opal_base_envlist as "-mca x var=val" for consistency.
> also, "-x" param now is just an alias for "-mca opal_base_envlist var=val" - 
> so, we can keep it (w/o deprecation warning) as it re-uses same infra.

Mike, will you make this change?


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