On Jul 16, 2014, at 3:08 PM, Joshua Ladd <jladd.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ralph warned me that no matter what decision we made, someone would probably 
> violently object. So, with that in mind, let me put my diplomat hat on...

FWIW, I don't think my objections here have been "violent".

> Dave, I'm sorry you view this as a "crapification" of your mpirun user 
> interface. Your lament is duly noted and we are happy to work with you to 
> come to (yet another) happy compromise. It's unfortunate that the issue 
> wasn't raised during the dev meeting when these decisions were made (you were 
> sitting right next to me while I discussed this out loud with Jeff and 
> Ralph.) At the time, it seemed all interested parties had expressed their 
> concern and voiced their opinion on the matter, and the implementation you 
> see in the trunk today, including the decision to deprecate the "-x" option, 
> was the generally agreed upon consensus. 

I think I misunderstood that the "-x" option was going away altogether, so 
sorry for the after-the-fact complaints.  Probably poor listening on my part, 
but I don't think that changes my opinion on the UI impact.

I'm aware that I'm in the minority here.  I don't think that I care enough to 
continue arguing over this, so let's just let it be as-is.  An enhancement to 
permit some form of delimiter escaping would probably still be nice, but is low 


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