On Feb 19, 2020, at 1:31 PM, Ralph Castain via devel <devel@lists.open-mpi.org> 
> What do we want to do with the following options? These have either been 
> renamed (changing from "orte..." to a "prrte" equivalent) or are no longer 
> valid:
> --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default
> --enable-mpirun-prefix-by-default
> These are now --enable-prte-prefix-by-default. Should I error out via the 
> deprecation mechanism? Or should we silently translate to the new option?

I know a large number of people who use these functions.

We should probably not-silently translate to the new option.  I.e., issue a 
warning if they use an old option, and translate it to the new functionality.

It might be a while before we can actually delete these CLI params; they've 
become embedded in quite a few build scripts... :-\

>  --enable-per-user-config-files
> This is no longer valid if launching either via mpirun or on a system that 
> has adequate PMIx support. Still, it does apply to direct launch on systems 
> that lack the requisite support. My only concern here is that we ARE going to 
> use user-level config files with mpirun and supported systems, and it is now 
> a runtime decision (not a configure option). So do we remove this and explain 
> another method for doing it on systems lacking support? Or leave it and just 
> "do the right thing" under the covers?

This might be worth a discussion on a Tuesday call -- it sounds like a somewhat 
complex issue and could probably be explained better in person.

> --enable-mpi-cxx
> --enable-mpi-cxx-seek
> --enable-cxx-exceptions
> I assume these should be added to the "deprecation" m4?

Actually, I think we should error out if someone specifies these -- we should 
add this to https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/pull/7428.  I will do so.

Jeff Squyres

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