Sorry, I enthusiastically and desperately trying to find a workaround solution, 
but by now I've done something like this (using fusion-icon) : , as seen in the image, the xfce4 is fully 
functional with every package it has, the only prob is that no package has at 
least an icon. Using slim as displaymanager helps me not to fall to gnome3 
broken icons and images, as I've understood from genfool, gnome3 is half broken 
by this issue. Another thing to note would be that in entropy main-packages 
there are 2 functional-identical packages : gtk-engine-2.20.2 and 
gtk-engine-2.91, the last one I believe is from limbo, I've tried to emerge 
gtk-engine and it emerges me successfully the gtk-engine-2.20, therefor that 
gave me the idea gtk-engine-2.91 is evidently from limbo. There was another 
thing I noticed, by finding out properties about a package's desktop icon I 
found this : <-- it doesn't let me select 
any png files, and another screenshot maker (dunno the name of the package) 
couldn't let me save the file because the system "has no support for png 
files". Running sulfur and trying to do some reinstalling made the boo-boo's : 
I believe now you have all the proofs needed :> 
Best Regards, Steven Cristian / Black Noxis
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 17:09:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [sabayon-dev] Time to wake up


2011/10/2 Steven Cristian <>

It got dumped to main, we all having that issue, and it seems from my point of 
view (tail -f /var/log/message-ed it), I saw gtk theme engine going really mad. 
Alongside genfool, I firmly confirm this issue. Go go devs power ! xD

Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 17:04:51 -0500

Subject: Re: [sabayon-dev] Time to wake up

I don't think it got dumped to main did it?  As far as I know it's only in 
I have the gtk issues with broken icon/jpg files etc...

I'm working 12 hour shifts right now so testing and fix is out for me at moment.

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM, genfool <> wrote:

How is your day going dev's?  
we have an issue with the new gnome updates... My post below for the legacy 
drivers still stand, then with the new comers on #sabayon having issues, is a 
post on the forums ... I updated my main testing box and gnome is in the sewer, 
kde has gtk issues with icons ... I can use gnome in fallback mode with the nv 
drivers, while my current 

system using the newest nvidia drivers I can not. I can use kde and simply have 
gtk errors and missing icons.
If I switch it to vesa I can get something in gnome that is horrible to use, 
open xchat by feel and not by icon ... it works... grab the title bar and try 
to move it will not work.

Why do we even have limbo if we do not use it?

is issues on the forums, in main irc channel ... hope you have a wonderful 
Monday morning  
hugs and kisses genfool 





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