At home I have a couple of Raspberry Pis that I use as servers. One is a headless archlinux server with git, nfs4, some cronjobs and so on, the other one is a raspbian sometimes used with a screen. I have recently started using these low-consumption devices, but there are a lot more than just the RPi (DreamPlug, Olinuxino...). Then there is the increasing trend in tablets and the much awaited ubuntu tablet (or is it out already?).

All that to say that imo getting an ARM version closer to release so that it can be made swiftly available as soon as the next popular ARM-based device gets released might not be a stupid move. But I would not start competing with archlinux, which is doing a pretty good job for their Raspberry version, also concerning the user support on their dedicated forum.

People needing a GUI might be less interested (indeed Opera is unstable, Dillo plain sucks, mplayer and the emulators are laggy/unstable) but I think it's rather a matter of being ready when the time comes. I for one have an automated nightly build for my own code on one of the Raspberries.

That's my opinion anyways. Bye!

On 17/01/2013 18:50, Wolfden wrote:
After messing around with ARM, it would not hurt my feelings to put it
on hold or drop it.  It's not ready for mainstream.  The Linaro builds
are probably the best I have messed with and at that rate, it's terribly
slow.  XBMC doesn't have the acceleration yet and fails miserably with
video files.  There is no flash, so streaming music is almost impossible
from the web as most players are flash players.

It's probably ok for coders that live in a terminal, but other than
that, it's useless.

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