> Any ideas if/when we might begin bug bankruptcy model?  For those
> unfamiliar with the process, Bugs can become stale, abandoned, obsolete,
> or no longer applicable. This usually comes with age of the bug. I
> suggest any bugs over 2yrs old be subject to bug bankruptcy if it has
> not been updated within a specific amount of time. Basically we cannot
> test, maintain, etc EVERY bug in the queue. We could send out an email
> (automated) once a bug becomes of age that if the bug is not updated
> within the next few days, it will be deleted or marked
> obsolete/abandoned. This could help heavily clean up our bug queue to a
> more manageable sum, only keeping open bugs that are not abandoned.

This is not a direct answer to your question, but Mercurial project has
been doing it for some time, marking bugs as RESOLVED ARCHIVED after
some time of inactivity:


In my opinion two years is too long, especially if there would be a
notification asking for an update.

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