4.11.2013 02:10, Artem Marchenko:
I'd appreciate some UI guidelines voice from Jolla here (I can understands they might have not thought of this use case before, well, it's time for it then :)).

Looking at iOS and Android, it might be not a bad idea to have a phone UI without an explicit file interface at all. Hackers won't appreciate it, but they have terminal anyway and, well, for them you can create a custom File Open dialog.

Regular users might appreciate a photo choosing dialog guaranteed to include all device photos more.
Yeah, I think those two are not mutually exclusive & doable. IIRC there should be Tracker, so it should be possible to get all photos or any other categories of files Tracker can discern (all audio files, all txt files, all PDFs). But on the other hand, some applications just won't do without a standard file-chooser, like a text editor, offline comic book reader, an image editor. At least without getting and putting the files on a global file heap, making finding stuff difficult. Of course a lot can be done with tags and semantic stuff (where did the file come from, what app made it), but as shown by the KDE & GNOME projects (Nepomuk, Akonadi, Tracker, etc.) it is not easy to get right. Just having a simple time-proven file open dialog is IMHO a much simpler, easier & safer solution.

BTW, Android and to a lesser degree Harmattan could be used as a bad example of what happens if there is no default file dialog - every app that needs it would implement their own, all looking different (and not native) and every one of them with their own set of drawbacks.


On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Martin Kolman <martin.kol...@gmail.com <mailto:martin.kol...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    1.11.2013 22:16, Janne Pulkkinen:
    Sailfish would benefit from having a default file/directory
    chooser instead of having different implementations made by
    different developers which would only make the OS appear
    inconsistent for the average user.

    Just putting this out there, because I would really like to see
    this implemented in the SDK.

    2013/11/1 Damien Caliste <dcali...@free.fr <mailto:dcali...@free.fr>>


        On Fri Nov      1 08:54:03 2013 kher...@khertan.net
        <mailto:kher...@khertan.net> wrote:
        > For the file selector, it should not be difficult to make
        one with a
        > SilicaListView, and the qmldir extension.
        Ok, I'm new to QML, I didn't know about qmldir. I'll give a
        look. But I was hopping something common to avoid discrepency
        on the platform. Thanks for the info.

        > For notification, i ve made a something similar but more
        simple to the
        > Harmattan InfoBanner for ownNotes :
        > http://khertan.net/blog/silica_infobanner
        Great. I'll give a look also waiting for something from Jolla
        if any. Thanks.


        SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

    SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
    What about the FileDialog component[1] introduced in Qt 5.1 ?
    The documentation says that it will use a native platform
    file-open dialog if available,
    so maybe just make a silica themed file open dialog and show it
    once the FileDialog component is used ?


    SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

Artem Marchenko

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