On Mon, 04 Nov 2013 09:32:06 -0200
"Roberto Colistete Jr." <roberto.colist...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Em 04-11-2013 07:41, Artem Marchenko escreveu:
> > As for my current person and arguably humble opinion, iOS is doing 
> > just great without the file dialog. It does force/encourage all the 
> > apps use own sandbox only (and own file-like selection dialogs
> > then) and calls for workarounds when you actually want apps to
> > interoperate, but.. the simplicity benefits you get to user by
> > hiding the file level are great.
>      Please, Sailfish community, don't take Android, iOS and other 
> dumbed down mobile OS as examples. These mobile OS limit the freedom
> of the users, as well as developers : fake multi-tasking, restricted
> file system access, no dependencies, etc. For example, Ubuntu Touch
> 13.10 has more limitations than Android, because Canonical takes
> Android and iOS as models to copy many features. Please, Sailfish
> community, continue to take the examples from Maemo, MeeGo Harmattan
> and Nemo Mobile. _______________________________________________
> SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

I couldn't agree more. Please do not limit the freedom of the
users. When I visit a web page with a file upload form and I click the
file input field, I expect a file selection dialog to let me pick a
file on my device to upload. 

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