>From what I understand,
copy protection is going to be a service on Jolla devices (usable by
applications which like to do so),
but not completely necessary, ie an application can choose if to rely on it
or not.

Is this correct?

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 2:37 AM, Attila Csipa <q...@csipa.in.rs> wrote:

> On 07-Nov-13 15:51, Mohammed Hassan wrote:
>> Not quite :) What I'm interested in is what *will* be there (or,
>>> rather, what resources will it limit) as opposed to what is NOT
>>> going to be there (whether not having Aegis there is good, or bad,
>>> depends on what you will have there instead is better or worse than
>>> Aegis).
>> As Jonni said:
>> After you enable developer mode, you have _true_ root access to the device
>> and can freely replace system binaries and do what ever you want with your
>> device (you may lose warranty when you enable developer mode).
> That's good, but what I don't get in that case is... does that
> coincidentally mean "enable developer mode" == "disable copy protection"?
> Best regards,
> Attila
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