If Harbour will have an alternate paying methods such as Paypal and etc. it will be acceptable.

On 08.11.2013 03:40, Jonni Rainisto wrote:
DRM has nothing to to do with with copy protection. DRM on mobile devices 
usually means supporting DRM PlayReady (Microsoft) or Widevine L1 L2 L3 L4 
(google). And we dont have those in Sailfish OS.

There is no Aegis on the system, and after you enable developer mode, you have 
_true_ root access to the device and can freely replace system binaries and do 
what ever you want with your device (you may lose warranty when you enable 
developer mode).

Everything is crackable, copy protection library is just supposed to make 
cracking and copying process hard enough so that most of the people will just 
choose to use store for getting their rpm's. And to give app developers easier 
ways to give some protection their applications so direct .rpm file copy from 
device to device wont work, so you don't have to invent the wheel again and 
again by creating their own copy protection solutions. And if you have a danger 
of beeing blacklisted from Store if your detected of using cracked applications 
it also might scare some people from using cracked apps.

Nobody forces you to use any copy protection libraries in your applications 
that you develop or you can try to create your own solution. And you can just 
choose not to use any protection in your commercial appliations (then your 
applications can be freely copied from device to device, just like on N9).

Hopefully that answered your question.

re, Jonni
From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of Attila Csipa [q...@csipa.in.rs]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 10:09 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Jolla Harbour and Jolla Store

On 07-Nov-13 01:42, Jonni Rainisto wrote:
We are working hard on adding copy protection
In the context of "Will you support DRM? No" in your FAQ, and having an
open, hackable device environment, please do elaborate. I sincerely hope
that Jolla has learned from the Aegis experience and general "success"
of copy-protection schemes on other platforms.

Best regards,
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