Maybe Humble Bundle strategy then? Pay as more as you can and then you can get apps you want :)

On 09.11.2013 03:48, Michal Jerz wrote:
People who won't have money - won't buy. If they can't
use the apps, they won't use the system. And choose
Android/Jailbroken iOS
The N9 costed $650 and generally wasn't subsidized, so it certainly wasn't a
phone for 'poor people'. How could have a person afforded a $650 smartphone
but not a $1 application? It obviously wasn't about "no money" but about
"not willing to spend any money if a copy is available for free and so
EASILY installable, without ANY effort or risk".

As for "if they can't use the apps they won't use the system and will choose
Android instead", I really do want to support Sailfish OS, but I don't think
I am ready to give up on all my revenue only to "attract to the platform
those who don't want to spend any money on anything but the device itself".
I'm not THAT altruistic :-)

Lastly, on a platform providing Android compatibility, possible revenue of
'native developers' is already strongly (negatively) affected by
availability of TENS OF THOUSANDS of free (and cracked) Android
applications. I released several paid apps for BB10 and I know how hard it
is to compete with numerous freely available Android equivalents (even worse
- but free).

For any given native application to be made for Sailfish OS (or BB10), at
least a DOZEN free Android equivalents already exist. To make someone buy
the native application, it will have to be CONSIDERABLY BETTER, thus
requiring even more effort and investment. I am ready for that challenge,
but please let's NOT further diminish chances of native Sailfish OS
developers by opting AGAINST any copy protection, especially an OPTIONAL one
that won't be forcing anyone to use it.

For a platform to be REALLY successful, I believe it takes both a lot of
'happy users' and a lot of 'happy developers'. Not JUST users. Unless one
thinks that all Sailfish OS needs is possibility to run Android apps, as
that's how it'll end up if developing native software turns out to be
completely unrewarding... I'm afraid that as just a good looking "Android
emulator" it would not survive long.

If someone wants to crack, he'll crack anyway
At least he will have to make the effort, and those who then install it will
have to bear some risk (e.g. of getting blacklisted from the store, as Ronni

Referring to an example from my previous email, why do you have any locks in
your home's or garage's door? If someone wants to break in, he'll break in
anyway... It's kind of inconsistent to have locks at home and vote against
any software protection.

Obviously, it's not that all those who use cracked copies would buy a legal
copy if no crack was available. But THE EASIER it is to make/get a cracked
version and the easier (and risk-free) it is to install it, the more people
GET TEMPTED to use it instead of paying even just $1 (which, I am sure,
every owner of a $500-600 smartphone can afford, unless he stole it, too).
So it is actually a matter of *ALTERNATIVE COST*. Make it sufficiently
cumbersome (and possibly also risky) and at least SOME people will find
paying $1 simply EASIER and QUICKER than bothering with not so easily
installable and potentially risky stuff.  Or opt for lack of any protection
and only real altruists (i.e. probably some 0,5% of this species) will pay
you $1 for what they can get for free without ANY risk and with THE SAME

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