> On 15/12/13 17:41, AL13N wrote:
>>> Currency Converter: https://github.com/tanghus/currency-converter-qml
>>> Kitchen Timer: https://github.com/tanghus/kitchen-timer-qml
>>> The capcha for your site is ridiculous, so posting it here instead :)
>> It's not my site (it's for embedded linux), but that captcha _is_
>> ridiculous... i couldn't answer one question, after dozens of reloads, i
>> ended up researching the Linus Torvalds question and cycle the captcha
>> until i got that one... :-(
>> Since we don't have anything yet, this is a place where we can put some
>> documentation until there might be a better place... though, otoh, since
>> this is about embedded Linux, it's not exactly a wrong place either...
> There's always:
>   https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Sailfish
> Which has been around since Mar 2013 :)

yes, the reason we didn't take such a wiki, is due to the Jolla hardware
thing, while sailfish will be used on alot of hardware, Jolla was
something different, and we needed it more for gathering technical data
(like the I²C bus)

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