On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 15:58 +0000, Mike Sheldon wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-12-27 at 16:44 +0100, Martin Grimme wrote:
> > You're right. Those apps should not be updatable before updating the OS.
> > 
> > I think you can revive your store-client by updating the store-client
> > package and then doing a "pkill store-client".
> Well, manually updating the store-client has got the store opening
> again, but only to the page saying that no accounts are currently set
> up, attempting to sign in from there just results in it complaining that
> an account already exists.

Deleting the account and attempting to sign in again gets me the generic
error "Oops, problem with account creation". I'll leave this for now in
case it's just down to the Jolla servers being hammered, if it still
continues not to work I guess I'll have to reset the phone.


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