In my code I have an attached page I want to jump to when user select it in a 

Code that creates the attached page its a timer trigger 50 msec after FirstPage 
has been rendered because it seems Component.onCompleted cant be used to 
attach page:

        running: true
        interval: 50
        repeat: false
        onTriggered: pageStack.pushAttached(/Qt/.resolvedUrl("SelectUrl.qml"));

The attached page is Okey and I can navigate to it via swipe but not via menu 
navigateBack() (also tried navigateForward() no error message shown but "goto 
url page" is printed...

Pulleymenu code:

            MenuItem {
                text: /qsTr/("Goto...")
                onClicked:  { /console/.log("goto url page"); 
pageStack.navigateBack() /* 
<= this does not trigger? and no error message? */ }

Is this a known issue in Silica and/or some kind of workaround? 

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