If you want some feature to be added to Sailfish OS, go to together.jolla.com and create / vote for an existing feature request. AFAIK, people from Jolla are actively monitoring that site.

On 17.01.2014 20:38, Marcin M. wrote:
It's a workaround, indeed ;)

And connect to internet shortcut isn't enough!

It would be ideal to be able to launch some status menu from the
lockscreen ;) Changing brightness, wlan+mobile internet, 2G/3G switch
are things I very often use from status menu, and I want them to be at
hand. Some orientation lock is useful, switching availability from such menu


2014/1/17 Oleksii Serdiuk <conta...@oleksii.name

    On 17.01.2014 20:14, Marcin M. wrote:

        The settings have some wifi thing on the top, but it seems to be
        enable/disable auto-scanning, and I'd like to always connect myself,
        never automatically, no scanning in background... And the actual
        is dug deep in the settings.

    There's a nice feature I accidentally found in Settings.

    Go to Settings -> System settings and long tap WLAN. Context menu
    will slide out. Tap "Add to favourites" there. This will place an
    icon to the top of the main page of Settings app that will take you
    directly to WLAN page.

With best regards,
Oleksii Serdiuk

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