Hi sylvain,

This is not the case a renamed the variable so the have exactly the same name.

On the other hand, may be the problem is that I am calling it from .js file by 
the next code:

.pragma library
.import QtQuick 2.0 as QQ

var appState;

function getAppState() { return appState; }

function newAppState(page)
    appState = page;

    return appState;

// Funciones especificas

function createBloomFilter() {
    console.log("Voy a llamar a generate filter")
    console.log("Ya he llamado a generate filter")

And I call this from the qml by:

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import "pages"

import "pages/content"
import "pages/content/logic.js" as Logic
import fi.helsinki.cs 1.0

    initialPage: Component { FirstPage { } }
    cover: Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/CoverPage.qml")
    id: appWin
    property var appState: Logic.newAppState(appWin);
    property ApplicationWindow appWin: appWin
    property Bloomfilters bloomfilters: bloomfilters
    property var k
    property var m
    property bool filterCharged: false

Someone seems something unusual in this code?

Best Regards and Thanks,

A. Cano

El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 13:24, Sylvain B. <sth...@hotmail.com> 
Yes, add a "s"
>You declared "bloomfiltersdata" and you are trying to use bloomfilterdata...
>Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:02:22 -0800
>From: antonio.cano.go...@ovi.com
>To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
>Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish
>Hi Andrey,
>The output is: ReferenceError: bloomfilterdata is not defined
>I am calling it from a .js
>Some idea about how can I  make that this is also defined there.
>El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 12:18, Andrey Kozhevnikov 
><coderusin...@gmail.com> escribió:
>start app in terminal and show output please
>>On 26.02.2014 17:15, antonio.cano.go...@ovi.com wrote:
>>Hi Thomas,
>>>I did both modification but the code does not work yet.
>>>Here is the new code:
>>>        QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc,
>>>        QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
>>>        Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();
>>>        view->showFullScreen();
>>>        return app->exec();
>>>El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 12:01, Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com> 
>>>On 2014-02-26 11:48, antonio.cano.go...@ovi.com wrote: 
>>>>> I tried this:
>>>>>        QGuiApplication *app =
                    SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
>>>>>        QQuickView *view =
>>>>>        Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new
>>>>>        view->showFullScreen();
>>>>>        return app->exec();
>>>>> But it is not working yet.
>>>>Two things:
>>>>  1. Call setContextProperty() right before before
                  setSource(), so it's 
>>>>already available when the QML content is loaded.
>>>>  2. Use lowercase for context property names
                  ("bloomfilters" instead of 
>>>>"Bloomfilters"). In some places, QML interprets IDs
                  starting with an 
>>>>upper case letter as a type name, and that won't work
                  then, therefore 
>>>>stick to lowercase.
>>>>HTH :)
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