2014-02-25 16:39 GMT+01:00, Andrey Kozhevnikov <coderusin...@gmail.com>:
> ???
> contextProperty should be set BEFORE loading QML source.

You're right, sorry! I must have confused something. I shouldn't
answer mails while on train. :)


> On 25.02.2014 21:33, martin.gri...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you should set the context property after loading the QML source. Then it
>> ought to be available from QML.
>> Martin
>> Am Tue Feb 25 2014 15:06:39 GMT+0100 (CET) schrieb
>> antonio.cano.go...@ovi.com:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to do a simple Sailfish aplication that uses a c++ library.
>>> I try to connect my qml code with the C++ code.
>>> First I create QObject extended library:
>>> #ifndef BLOOMFILTERS_H
>>> #define BLOOMFILTERS_H
>>> #include <QObject>
>>> #include "svn/bloom-read-only/bloom_filter.hpp"
>>> class Bloomfilters : public QObject
>>> {
>>>     Q_OBJECT
>>> public:
>>>     Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable2() const ;
>>>     Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable(const QString &cadenaK,
>>> const QString &cadenaM) const ;
>>>     explicit Bloomfilters(QObject *parent = 0);
>>>     void generateFilter() ;
>>>     Q_INVOKABLE void insertElement(const QString &cadena) ;
>>>     Q_INVOKABLE bool checkElement(const QString &cadena) ;
>>> signals:
>>> public slots:
>>> private:
>>>     bloom_parameters _parameters ;
>>>     bloom_filter _filter;
>>>     bool _filter_charged;
>>>     QString _k;
>>> };
>>> #endif // BLOOMFILTERS_H
>>> An I try to connect this with my sailfish application with the code:
>>>         QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
>>>         QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
>>>         Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();
>>>         view->rootContext()->setContextProperty("Bloomfilters",
>>> bloomfilters);
>>>         view->setSource(SailfishApp::pathTo("qml/bloomfilter.qml"));
>>>         view->showFullScreen();
>>>         return app->exec();
>>> But this is not working.
>>> Someone have any idea about what am I doing wrong?
>>> Best Regards
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