On 18/03/14 15:23, Mohammed Hassan wrote:
> the SD card will be mounted under /media/sdcard in a directory named
> after the UUID of the partition. This was done in order to guarantee
> that tracker can identify the partition uniquely.

That is a really, really bad decision.  Was there any discussion on
together about this idea for working round the tracker bug that it
doesn't record media ids along with file names?  If so I missed it.

So, a tracker bug means that every user now has to deal with stupid
directory names and things called UUIDs which they have never heard of?

Even I could come up with a better idea with 30 seconds thought: mount
the sdcard (if it has more than one partition, choose any one at random
-- 99.999% of cards don't have more than one partition) into (say)
/home/nemo/sdcard.  Tell tracker not to index /home/nemo/sdcard/.  Also
mount every partition into /media/sdcard/<UUID> and let tracker index
those.  Unmount them all on shutdown.

> Also note that if you have more than one partition then all will be
> mounted under /media/sdcard/ so there isn't even a guaranteed single
> partition to begin with ;-)

Anyone with sdcards with more than one partition can probably handle dev
mode and control the mounting themselves.  In any case, the stupid UUID
directories should only appear if there is more than one partition.

Anyway, this list isn't the right place to work out the solution. Please
contribute to the discussion at

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