On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:23:43 +0000
Graham Cobb <g+jo...@cobb.uk.net> wrote:

> On 18/03/14 15:23, Mohammed Hassan wrote:
> > the SD card will be mounted under /media/sdcard in a directory named
> > after the UUID of the partition. This was done in order to guarantee
> > that tracker can identify the partition uniquely.
> That is a really, really bad decision.  Was there any discussion on
> together about this idea for working round the tracker bug that it
> doesn't record media ids along with file names?  If so I missed it.

The work has been done publicly in the sd-utils git repos.

> So, a tracker bug means that every user now has to deal with stupid
> directory names and things called UUIDs which they have never heard
> of?

Why would every user has to deal with UUIDs? Why do they even care? If
you are referring to power users who have the terminal installed then
those are not _every user_.

Beside, it's not a tracker bug. It's simply how tracker works.

> Even I could come up with a better idea with 30 seconds thought: mount
> the sdcard (if it has more than one partition, choose any one at
> random -- 99.999% of cards don't have more than one partition) into
> (say) /home/nemo/sdcard.  Tell tracker not to
> index /home/nemo/sdcard/.  Also mount every partition
> into /media/sdcard/<UUID> and let tracker index those.  Unmount them
> all on shutdown.

/home/nemo/sdcard is not a unique name which means that all cards will
be identified as one card. goto pre-update 4 situation.

> > Also note that if you have more than one partition then all will be
> > mounted under /media/sdcard/ so there isn't even a guaranteed single
> > partition to begin with ;-)
> Anyone with sdcards with more than one partition can probably handle
> dev mode and control the mounting themselves.  In any case, the
> stupid UUID directories should only appear if there is more than one
> partition.

Any user without a terminal does not need to even know where the cards
are mounted. Stuff will be presented automatically to the user.


> Anyway, this list isn't the right place to work out the solution.
> Please contribute to the discussion at
> https://together.jolla.com/question/33774/info-10420-ext-sdcard-directory-change/
> Graham
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