As for the timing, Well, yes, I suppose tablet specific programs will
start coming out in earnest next fall.
But if as I think most devepers are programming their apps as a hobby
or a side work, I doubt this will slow them down much. I expect to be
able to work on my application a bit more (or rather, a bit! I have
not been very active I am afraid).

What I find a bit puzzling is the availability of the SDK -- What is
the reason to restrict it so much? I understand it is not to be used
for programs to release for the current Sailfish/phone, but letting
people try out their programs in an emulator could mean a few more
applications running correctly on day T-day one. Just labelling the
SDK as beta and warning that things are subject to change should be
enough to keep things under control.

What am I mising?


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Zoltán Lutor <> wrote:
> "we will ship a number of loan devices to selected developers by the end of
> June" - hmmm...
> Tablet was planned to be released in May, some delays already confirmed
> (without new target date) and now we see only selected developers will get
> early access to the device&SDK "by end of June"...
> July is almost no-work-period in Finland thus nothing can be really expected
> before Autumn... :-(
> Please, prove me wrong! :D
> 2015-05-29 9:57 GMT+02:00 Tone Kastlunger <>:
>> It's an interesting question! I back it up!
>> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Andrey Kozhevnikov
>> <> wrote:
>>> Thank you, cool news. What about developers, who backed tablet on
>>> indiegogo?
>>> 29.05.2015 12:52, Iekku Pylkka пишет:
>>> Ahoy,
>>> Here’s text version from today’s blog post about Tablet Develor Device
>>> Loan Program Pilot, you can check full version from:
>>> Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan program starting soon
>>> From the launch of Jolla smartphpone, to the opening of Jolla Harbour [0]
>>> (accepting apps to Jolla Store), to the recent introduction of the Jolla
>>> tablet [1], our community members have asked for a Developer Program they
>>> can participate in. This demand for a Developer Program certainly did not go
>>> unnoticed!
>>> Already about a year ago, we introduced the community beta (cbeta) group
>>> as an endeavor to collect feedback from our community. We take this
>>> opportunity to thank our cbeta members for making this a success by giving
>>> us honest feedback on how each release candidate is perceived!
>>> In addition we’ve been paving the road for a smoother developer
>>> experience every step of the way. Some of our efforts have included:
>>> accepting more APIs for Harbour, regular Sailfish OS and open source
>>> collaboration meetings, renewing Sailfish OS portal at [2],
>>> and also bringing the missing Silica documentation [3] back.
>>> Introducing the Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan program
>>> We are now ready to take the next step in our Developer Program, and
>>> pilot a developer program for the Jolla Tablet! We have decided to make the
>>> pilot phase invite-only, to keep the program focused and manageable as we
>>> start it off.
>>> We aim for an Unlike Developer Program, fitting the unique needs of our
>>> community. The developers who will be getting their personal invitations
>>> within the next few weeks are hand-picked based on their technical
>>> contributions to Sailfish OS. These are active community members (including
>>> current cbeta members), and we trust that they will provide appropriate
>>> feedback during the pilot to serve the program expansion in the future.
>>> What we are piloting now is the Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan
>>> program. Within the program we will ship a number of loan devices to
>>> selected developers by the end of June, along with early access SDK and
>>> tablet Software Release(s). As the SDK and tablet software releases aren’t
>>> public yet, the devices and software will be given out for selected
>>> developers under a common Product Loan Agreement (PLA).
>>> In return, we expect feedback in the form of failure reports and
>>> suggestions for better process. We are taking this step by step, so please
>>> be patient. We will see how it goes and evaluate what else we can provide or
>>> what is needed from the developer community.
>>> If you do not receive an invitation for the program pilot, please do not
>>> worry and bear with us for a little longer. We will share info about future
>>> opportunities to join the Developer Program as it grows.
>>> [0]
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
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Luciano Montanaro

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