On 13/11/2015 3:25 am, Thomas B. Rücker wrote:
> Hi,

> SIP was on Jolla's roadmap, but was never delivered. I expect it got
> dropped, but nobody bothered to update their public roadmap. It is not a
> feature that would generate value for Jolla in the form of operator or
> manufacturer deals, so I don't expect them to bother. If you need SIP
> urgently, as you say, get a different device, as there is no promise and
> no outlook on a change in situation.
> Please note that I don't think talking about platform features and user
> problems is on topic here. So let's EOD. If there's any change you'll
> see it in the TJC item.

SIP is still on the Jolla roadmap, although I am not aware of the 
current status. I think it's a matter of priorities.

Lorn Potter
Sensors / Connectivity
Jolla / llornkcor technologies
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