
On Thursday 12 November 2015 17:25:19 Thomas B. Rücker wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/09/2015 06:03 PM, Vladislav Vorobiev wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I setup my phone like this
> > https://together.jolla.com/question/415/sip-voip-native-integration/ and
> > it seems to work. The Phone is ringing (display stay black) but I can
> > answer if i activate the screen with the button.
> Sounds about right.
> > The microphone from jolla phone works and caller hears me but I can't hear
> > the caller.
> If the situation is still the same as before, apply the ALSA trick and
> try holding the phone upside down.

You mean this?

exe = voicecall-manager
group = call

or something else?

> > So it's not usable....
> Correct, but that should not have been a surprise to you. After all you
> read the TJC item on this topic.
> > For me is the stable sip feature (even without gui) decisive.
> Then I strongly suggest using a different device than a Jolla phone.
> > I have no firewall or something like what can block SIP, CSipSimple works
> > on that device but there are other problems.
> That's an Android application, different can of worms and brokenness.
> SIP was on Jolla's roadmap, but was never delivered. I expect it got
> dropped, but nobody bothered to update their public roadmap. It is not a
> feature that would generate value for Jolla in the form of operator or
> manufacturer deals, so I don't expect them to bother. 

Seems the strategy is like by android and apple. 
I thought jola orients itself something else and supports independent 
services. We have already very good devices from Apple, Android and nobody 
need an half ready device with the same only profit strategy.
I bought this device to check the current situation and what i see i  wonder:

Jola supports Facebook, Twitter, Google accounts but it don't support 
SIP, GPG (Mail or XMPP,  what I is rely necessary to be different and 

All what I need are basic things like: SIP, PGP, Calendar, Todos and 
possibility to sync my data with own servers and that's not given.  If i need 
facebook  or Twitter I'm going buy android or apple devices.

> If you need SIP
> urgently, as you say, get a different device, as there is no promise and
> no outlook on a change in situation.

I' have other phone and SIP is on PC. This discussion is more ge

> Please note that I don't think talking about platform features and user
> problems is on topic here. So let's EOD. If there's any change you'll
> see it in the TJC item.

I tried here because i hoped to get some updates in this case.


> Thomas
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