Hi Alexander,

naturally the board of choice would be the iot-lab_M3 (the one used in the FIT IoT-lab testbed). But as this board is not freely available on the market, I suggest the Atmel samr21-xpro. It uses (almost) the same radio as the iot-lab nodes and is freely available at the usual electronics suppliers for about 30-40 euros.


On 29.05.2015 05:19, Alexander Talavari wrote:

As part of my MScThesis i will be devoloping on RIOT and i was interest on your suggestion on what board i should buy.

I am already testing it on my Linux Mint image but it would be nice to have the board that plays the best with RIOT.

Best regards,
Alexander Talavari

PS I am copy pasting the description of my Thesis as proposed by my professor fyi

RIOT [1] is an open source operating system designed for small and resource constrained devices. Such devices are expected to be the norm in the Internet of Things (IoT). RIOT provides support for standardized IoT protocols (e.g., 6LoWPAN and CoAP), as well as, as for experimental architectures (e.g., CCN-lite, a lightweight version of the CCN Information-Centric Networking [4] architecture [2]). FIT-IoT lab [3] is a distributed testbed that enables IoT experimentation at a large scale. FIT-IoT provides a variety of devices that can be used for experiments, including devices equipped with the RIOT OS. The purpose of this thesis is to implement a simple application for exchanging content (e.g., sensor measurements) in RIOT. The application will be developed in two versions one using CoAP and another using CCN-lite. Both versions will be evaluated and compared in the FIT-IoT lab.
[1] http://www.riot-os.org/
[2] CCN-lite, a lightweight implementation of the Content Centric Networking protocol CCNx of XEROX PARC, 2014 (http://ccn-lite.net).
[3] https://www.iot-lab.info/
[4] G. Xylomenos, C.N. Ververidis, V.A. Siris, N. Fotiou, C. Tsilopoulos, X. Vasilakos, K.V. Katsaros, G.C. Polyzos, “A Survey of Information-Centric Networking Research,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1024-1049, 2014 (http://www.mm.aueb.gr/publications/2013-icn-survey.pdf).

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