Hi everyone!

A few days ago I ran a sniffer application using CC1101 transceiver.
Sniffing device is connected via UART<->USB adapter to PC. A python sniffer
application redirects the frames to Wireshark (v. 2.0.0).
Sniffer was gathering frames from one node programmed with gnrc-networking
example application. This node was sending a frame in every 10 seconds. The
problem is that Wireshark did not recognize any 803.15.4 frames. Digging
deeper into a 803.15.4 frame, controll part (first octet) look like:

bits        description
0-2         frame type (000 Beacon, 001 Data, 010 Ack, 011 MAC command,
100-111 Reserved)
3            security
4            frame pending
5            AR
6            PAN ID Compression
7-9        Reserved
10-11    Dest. Addressing Mode (00 PAN and addr. not present, 01 Reserved,
10 Short address, 11 Ext. Address)
12-13    Frame Version (00 IEEE802.15.4-2003 compatible, 01 IEEE802.15.4
14-15    Source Addressing Mode (00 PAN and addr. not present, 01 Reserved,
10 Short address, 11 Ext. Address)

The received data has wrong source address mode (picture in attachment).
Why is there no compatibility with IEEE802.15.4 standard?
Is there anyone with knowledge concerning sniffing radio packets in RIOT
powered mesh using Wireshark? Is there a possibility to recognize 802.15.4
packet types using standard Wireshark dissector?

Best regards,
Kubaszek Mateusz
devel mailing list

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