Hi Adeel,

Am 30.06.2016 um 09:42 schrieb Oleg Hahm:
Hi Adeel,

On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 07:04:43PM +0000, Adeel Mohammad Malik wrote:
Thank you for your reply. It was really helpful. I actually posted another
question on the mailing list about STM32F4Discovery and the possibility to
run CCN-lite over it with 802.15.4. You have answered that question too.

I just have a follow up question about how the setup would look like if I
use the Atmel at86rf23x transceiver with STM32F4Discovery. Does the
transceiver hook up directly to the STM32F4Discovery board?

For this first question, I'm probably not the best person to answer, so maybe
others (Peter, Paco, Kaspar?) can help, but AFAIK a viable way could be to buy
an Openlabs adapter [1] that can be connected over SPI and plug it on the
Discovery Board.

as Oleg already said, the easiest (and cheapest) solution would be an openlabs transceiver. Unfortunately the connector configuration is not compatible with the STM discovery boards but you could use cables instead. The default pin configuration of the RIOT driver can be found here:


There also exist extension boards by Atmel which should work with RIOT, but I assume the problem of incompatible connectors is the same with STM boards (cables needed):


Unfortunately the Microchip MRF24J20 driver is still not in shape but this might be a cheap solution in future.

Assuming I run CCN-lite directly on 802.15.4, how would I connect the
STM32F4Discovery board to a computer that acts as a gateway to the CCN

That's indeed an interesting question. I think the easiest solution would be
to either plug an Ethernet module to the Discovery Board or use ethos
(ETHernet Over Serial) [2] to connect to the Gateway that run a CCN-lite
client with two interfaces (one with an Ethernet socket pointing to the RIOT
node and one with an IP/UDP socket pointing to the rest of the world).

In fact, this kind of bridge functionality to translate between different
transports for CCN could be also done directly on a RIOT node, assuming that
(i) the node would have enough resources and (ii) the adaptation to IP
addresses in RIOT's CCN-lite package is there.


[1] http://openlabs.co/store/Raspberry-Pi-802.15.4-radio
[2] https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/tree/master/dist/tools/ethos

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