Thanks Joakim,

No, I didn't know about cortexm_isr_end().  (See also in the end.)  Adding it, 
locking mutex twice and releasing it in the ISR handler works now.

However, if I use the same mutex as the driver is using anyway, there is a 
potential conflict window:

   void isr(void) {

   int blocking_drive_function(...) {
       /* Block the driver from other threads */
       /* Prevent the interrupt from happening too early */
       uint32_t irq_state = irq_disable();
       /* Wait for an interrupt */
       // NOTE: Potential conflict window here
       /* Release the driver for other threads */

If the IRQ takes place early, it will be served between irq_restore() and 
mutex_lock().  The driver appears to work, since the ISR handler releases the 
mutex and the blocking function just reacquires the mutex without blocking.

However, if a HIGHER priority thread is also ready to run and accesses the 
driver, it will get the mutex before the waiting thread, allowing two threads 
into the driver at the same time.  Not good.

Of course, I can use a separate mutex and lock it twice.  But that is not 

Furthermore, locking a mutex twice from the same thread is not considered a 
standard practice.  Some mutex implementations even give you a panic if you do 
that.  Hence, I suspect not many people think of it as a potential solution.

Hence, I would suggest that we add a couple of new functions, for example:

   void thread_sleep_keep_mutex(mutex_t *m);
   void thread_wakeup_mutex(mutex_t *);

The first one would basically just lock the mutex second time, but it could be 
called with interrupts already disabled.  It would enable interrupts while the 
thread is sleeping, and disable them again before returning, if they were 
disabled when called.  As an additional safeguard, it would check that the 
calling thread already possesses the mutex.

The second one would wakeup one thread sleeping on the mutex.  In practice, it 
would be just syntactic sugar over mutex_unlock().

If that makes sense, I can make an initial implementation and open a PR.

Unfortunately I don't have time to properly test it or writing test cases.  For 
that I would need some help.

Now, looking at _mutex_lock() in this light, I started to wonder if there is a 
similar potential conflict window:

    else if (blocking) {
        thread_t *me = (thread_t*)sched_active_thread;
        DEBUG("PID[%" PRIkernel_pid "]: Adding node to mutex queue: prio: %"
              PRIu32 "\n", sched_active_pid, (uint32_t)me->priority);
        sched_set_status(me, STATUS_MUTEX_BLOCKED);
        if (mutex-> == MUTEX_LOCKED) {
            mutex-> = (list_node_t*)&me->rq_entry;
            mutex->>next = NULL;
        else {
            thread_add_to_list(&mutex->queue, me);
        /* We were woken up by scheduler. Waker removed us from queue.
         * We have the mutex now. */
        return 1;

Could bad things happen there between irq_restore() and thread_yield_higher(), 
as the interrupts may be enabled before PendSV is set and the thread stack 
changed (on Cortex-M)?  I am not sure, but I suspect so.

AFAICS, there is at least a potential performance issue here, since if there is 
an interrupt there that does not send PendSV, the usual PendSV interrupt 
optimisation will not take place.

BTW, w.r.t. cortexm_isr_end(), I didn't even think of needing to set PendSV 
that since in my Cortex-M scheduler (several years ago) I set the PendSV flag 
directly in the scheduler and synchronisation primitives themselves, whenever 

Indeed, looking at the code, I think the `sched_context_switch_request` should 
be replaced a suitable inline function.

Should I open an issue on replacing `sched_context_switch_request` with inline 
functions for setting, clearing, and testing it?  Once the inline functions are 
in place, the code could then be optimised for various CPUs, allowing e.g. the 
Cortex-M support to get rid of cortexm_isr_end().


On 11.9.2018, at 22:34, Joakim Nohlgård 
<<>> wrote:

Hi again,
Are you on a cortex m platform? Did you remember to add cortexm_isr_end() at 
the end of the ISR function?

Den tis 11 sep. 2018 20:21Nikander Pekka 
<<>> skrev:
Hi Joakim,

I tried also exactly that, but for some reason I couldn't make it work.  When I 
tried to unlock it in the ISR, the thread waiting for the mutex for the second 
time still didn't acquire it, but was blocked again in the scheduler.  I didn't 
dive deep into the scheduler to see why.  Maybe I did some mistake.

Could you please point to some example code?


On 11.9.2018, at 20:48, Joakim Nohlgård 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Pekka,
What we have done in several other places is to use a mutex. The device driver 
blocking code will attempt to lock the mutex twice, and the ISR will unlock it 
to let the thread continue.
Does that work in your use case?

Best regards, Joakim

Den tis 11 sep. 2018 16:40Nikander Pekka 
<<>> skrev:

Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the current best practice to sleep in a 
blocking device driver, waiting for an interrupt to take place?  I couldn't 
find anything reasonable.

In many other context I've seen people to use `sleep` and `wakeup`, and even 
went that far that I tried to introduce a variant of `thread_sleep` that can be 
entered with interrupts disabled (see below), but couldn't get it working.

Here is an excerpt of my current code:
void isr_saadc(void) {

int adc_sample(adc_t line, adc_res_t res)
    /* enable EVENTS_END interrupt */
    const uint32_t irqs = irq_disable();
    sleeper = thread_getpid();
    NRF_SAADC->INTENSET = SAADC_INTEN_END_Msk; /* Disabled at ISR handler */


    /* Wait for the interrupt */

This doesn't work.  The thread doesn't wake up, even though the interrupt does 
take place and `thread_wakeup` states that the thread _is_ sleeping when called:
Created thread idle. PID: 1. Priority: 15.
Created thread main. PID: 2. Priority: 7.
main(): This is RIOT! (Version:<>-feature-refactor-ble-core)
Entering main function.
Entering main loop.
thread_wakeup: Trying to wakeup PID 2...
thread_wakeup: Thread is sleeping.
thread_wakeup: Trying to wakeup PID 2...
thread_wakeup: Thread is sleeping.

And then nothing happens.

Here is the tentative patch to introduce 
diff --git a/core/include/thread.h b/core/include/thread.h
index 64a828ab3..4abdb3d25 100644
--- a/core/include/thread.h
+++ b/core/include/thread.h
@@ -399,6 +399,20 @@ int thread_getstatus(kernel_pid_t pid);
 void thread_sleep(void);

+ * @brief Puts the current thread into sleep mode with the interrupts already 
+ *
+ * @param[in] interrupt_state  Saved interrupt state from irq_disable().
+ *
+ *          Places the calling thread to sleep and re-enables interrupts to
+ *          the `interrupt_state` before calling thread_yield_higher().
+ *          Meant to be called from drivers that want to be waken up
+ *          from an interrupt routine.
+ *          The calling thread to be woken up externally.
+ *
+ */
+void thread_sleep_with_interrupts_disabled(int interrupt_state);
  * @brief   Lets current thread yield.
diff --git a/core/thread.c b/core/thread.c
index 6f7a71362..05400a0af 100644
--- a/core/thread.c
+++ b/core/thread.c
@@ -62,9 +62,12 @@ void thread_sleep(void)

     unsigned state = irq_disable();
+    thread_sleep_with_interrupts_disabled(state);
+void thread_sleep_with_interrupts_disabled(int state) {
     sched_set_status((thread_t *)sched_active_thread, STATUS_SLEEPING);

 int thread_wakeup(kernel_pid_t pid)


--Pekka Nikander

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