On 26/03/18 10:09, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 26/03/18 00:50, Chris Johns wrote:
On 14/03/2018 17:20, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 13/03/18 22:58, Chris Johns wrote:
On 09/03/2018 19:55, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 06/11/17 10:03, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 26/10/17 08:22, Sebastian Huber wrote:
Please review this patch carefully. It adds a new chapter "ARM Board Support Packages" following the "ARM Specific Information" chapter. It adds a
template structure for other BSPs.

Where should we place common BSP configuration options like
BSP_PRESS_KEY_FOR_RESET? We probably don't want to add a copy and paste
version to every BSP section.

Any comments with respect to the BSP documentation? It makes little sense to
start with this work if the general direction is unclear.

The insufficient and user unfriendly BSP documentation is still a big issue from my point of view. I think it is one of be biggest obstacles to get started with RTEMS. The BSP documentation should be part of a sphinx based rtems-docs manual.

How do we get the large number of BSP_OPTS parameters out of the BSPs and into suitable documentation? I am reluctant to support fragmented or partial approaches to solving this problem, I feel the "project" or effect needs to accept _all_ BSPs need to be covered. This is a community effort that needs some
leadership and ownership.

It is a difficult area because:

1. The overlap to device TRMs and yet wanting to provide some self contained
information for a device knowledgeable user.

2. How is it maintained and checked? Reviews of patches require related doc

3. Changing the build system, the waf build Amar created changes the way BSP_OPTS are handled requiring clear definition with ranges and other factors and that could be annotated with suitable documentation allowing automatic generation. Do we push for funding for this effort and deal with it then?
For BSP documentation you need to know the hardware and the BSP in detail. I think we can only do this step by step and should focus on the BSPs that are
still in use and maintained. We need a clear concept of the desired BSP
documentation, so that it is easy for new contributors to fix the documentation of their BSP of interest. A build configuration command line help for BSP options would be nice, but I think this is optional. I would remove the BSP options documentation in configure.ac for BSPs which document the options in a manual. If we want to provide build configuration command line help, then we should generate it from some documentation master and use it for the command line help and the manual. This is some extra effort. It is probably in the range
of several man weeks to update the documentation of all BSPs.
Agreed and this will need to change any way. A waf build system would bring all these option out to the top level which is a important. They are hidden at the
moment which is painful.

The manual should have one level for the architectures, one level for the BSPs and one for the BSP details. I would not use more than three levels in a PDF document. Do we want to create a dedicated BSP manual or merge it into an
existing manual (which one and how)?
Can the BSP and Driver Guide be used or do you think we need something new?

The BSP and Driver Guide contains mostly information for a BSP and driver developer.

If we use four levels, we could add this to the User Manual (it uses already four levels), e.g.

Board Support Packages (BSPs)
    -> Architecture
        -> BSP
            -> Some stuff

See attached file.

Could we please eventually decide on a place for BSP documentation.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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